Artistic impression of a swarm of comet-like fragments transiting in front of KIC 8462852. The debris tails left behind each fragment could be responsible for the observed dimming of the star (source: NASA/JPL-Caltech). The inset shows the image of the star as observed at infrared wavelength with NASA's Spitzer Space telescope (Marengo et al. 2015)
Well, most likely not. But before
addressing the alien situation, let me first take a step back.
It all started with the Kepler SpaceTelescope, NASA’s facility tasked with finding worlds orbiting other stars. The
spacecraft worked beautifully: since its 2009 launch it has already found 1041
extrasolar planets, with thousands more waiting for confirmation. Even after
surviving a near-death experience due to the failure of its reaction wheels
(the crucial devices that maintain its precise pointing), Kepler is still
churning out top science, discovering new planets and characterizing their
It is not one of the planets
discovered by Kepler, however, that has astronomers around the world furiously
scratching their head. It is a star, one of the 160,000 stars that Kepler
monitored continuously for over 4 years during its main mission, that gave us
the biggest surprise. It turns out that this star, with the uninspiring name
KIC 8462852[1] has been
undergoing a “dimming” behavior so unique to start a veritable firestorm of
speculations among the scientific community, and the public as well.
The reason why this otherwise ordinary star
is so special is that KIC 8462852 during
some of its dimming episodes decreased its brightness by as much as 20%.
This kind of behavior is normally associated to events where an opaque body
(e.g. a planet) transits in front of its star, partially blocking its light.
When that happens, however, the dimming is usually less than one percent, it
repeats periodically, and has a very well defined ingress and egress profile.
Whatever obscured the light from KIC 8462852, however, did it in a very
disorderly fashion, managing to occult as much as 1/5 of the disk of the star.
This is unprecedented, rising the intriguing possibility that the culprit could
be some gigantic artificial structure being built around of the star with the
purpose of intercepting its light and use it as the ultimate energy source.
Such structures, known as “Dyson Spheres”, have been described as the next step
of an alien civilization that, having outgrown its home planet, expands to
occupy its entire planetary system. In this view the dimming episodes observed
around KIC 8462852 would be caused by the elements of an incomplete Dyson sphere
transiting in front of the star, as the structure is still being assembled.
But, is this what is really happening
around KIC 8462852?
Spitzer Space telescope (artist's impression) and our spectrum of KIC 8462852. |
As advanced as an alien civilization could
be, it must still satisfy the fundamental laws of physics. And among such laws,
are the principles of thermodynamics: if a Dyson sphere is intercepting a large
fraction of the light from the star it surrounds, it must be heated in the
process, and it must dissipate vast amounts of residual heat in the form of
thermal radiation. To test this hypothesis, and to search for natural
explanations for the unusual behavior of KIC 8462852, together with my students
I have analyzed archival data from another NASA facility, the Spitzer Space telescope, designed to observe the cosmos in infrared light. Spitzer happened
to observe this star several months after the last dimming episode detected by
Kepler, offering the perfect opportunity to check for evidences of waste
thermal emission from any structure closely orbiting the star. As shown in the
analysis we published in the November issue of The Astrophysical Journal
Letters, we didn’t find any sign of infrared radiation in excess of the light
from the star. Whatever caused the anomalous dimming of KIC 8462852 is not
anymore orbiting the star up close, but must have receded to the frigid
outskirts of the system, where any leakage radiation would be tuned to a
wavelength much longer than the infrared radiation to which Spitzer is
sensitive. This is hardly the behavior expected from a Dyson sphere closely
encircling a star. Furthermore, an extensive search for extraterrestrial
intelligence (SETI) transmission has so far failed to detect any signal coming
from this system (the gamma-ray astronomy group in our department has also been
involved in this search).
If not aliens, what is then happening on
the doorstep of KIC 8462852? We still don’t know for sure. The leading
hypothesis is that the dimming was caused by the fragments of some small
planetary body (a large asteroid or a dwarf planet) that had the misfortune to
break-up along a highly eccentric orbit circling the star (such breakup events
are rare, but not unprecedented). As the fragments approached their orbit’s periastron the furious radiation from
the star could have caused ablation and sublimation of volatile elements from
the surface of the fragments, leading to the formation of enormous and opaque
streams of left-behind debris, capable to partially obscure the star. This
process is not different from the mechanism in which Solar System comets form
their dusty tails as they sweep around the Sun; it is just on a vastly more
massive scale. By the time Spitzer trained its optics toward KIC 8462852 the
fragments and debris tails would have had enough time to travel along their
orbit to the outskirt of the system, where not even the sensitive infrared
detectors of Spitzer could have detected their residual heat.
We still don’t know if this hypothesis will
hold true: more data is needed to confirm or rule out this scenario. For this reason,
we have launched an international effort to monitor the star from space and
from the ground, hoping to catch a future dimming episode and perhaps detect
the elusive thermal radiation that must be associated with it. In the meantime,
KIC 8462852 remains one of the most mysterious stars in our Galaxy, a puzzle
that has stimulated the curiosity of scientist and public alike, and that we
hope will soon reveal its wondrous secrets.
and that we hope will soon reveal its wondrous secrets.
This image is unrelated to the topic of the post but hey, this is my photoblog so I want to have a photo shot by me in it. Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. Note that KIC 8462852 is in the Kepler Field (in between the Cygnus and Lyra constellations), so it is not visible from the southern hemisphere. |